Helping you live
the adventure of your life
for the greater glory of God.
Hello, I'm Leila Joy! I invite you to join me in discovering the beauty and providence of God in every path that life offers, whether small or momentous, material or spiritual. Through my blog columns and other resources, I desire to provide a place where you can find inspiration and our hearts can connect as we each journey closer to Christ.
Too often we preoccupy ourselves with the end of the road, the product over the process, and so lose our peace. In reality, our entire lives, we are “in statu viae,” on the way. How can we live this well? By taking one graced step at a time and learning to...
find joy in the journey.
Faith lights each step of our way to Christ. Most of my freelance writing is a joyful delving into the richness and splendor of the spiritual life, liturgical living, the saints, thoughts on man & woman, and much more!
. . . book reviews, little insights and great Inkings, and plenty of Jane Austen. Exactly what you'd expect from a B.A. in Humanities & Communications who believes that classic literature provides us with timeless signposts to truth, goodness, beauty.
Travel is healing but also difficult: here’s a little light for the way to help you discover anew the joy in the journey. I'll blog vignettes of some of my visits to exciting places, insightful ways to spend your time, and some of my wannabe wanderings.